Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Welcome to Pog Blog

I was very young when Pogs became huge. I don't think I ever actually played, but I did collect them. I can vividly remember going to craft stores and digging through giant bins of Pogs with my twin, who shared (and shares) my passion for Pogs.

The pogs in this blog represent only a fraction of my original collection. I found them during a recent move and decided to log my pog collection in this blog because:

-I love Pogs.
-I love making websites (making this isn't exactly making a website, but it's close enough to be enjoyable)
-It satisfies the requirements for SLIS 5715 Project 2. For more information on the images in this blog, visit the digi imaging UNT flickr page here.


Pogs at BadFads.com
How to play Pogs
Pogs on eBay!

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